What We Do

We develop energy storage and renewable generation projects all over the UK. We originate opportunities with Commercial and Industrial consumers as well as with site owners and landowners for large scale grid connected projects, entering attractive lease terms.


We really can deliver zero CAPEX/OPEX solutions & COST/CARBON reductions.

Install on the customer’s site a fully funded, sustainable energy optimisation facility to reduce costs and carbon.

Utilise the latest battery-based energy storage technology (BESS) renewable generation (where applicable) (BESS+) and integral control systems

Non-disruptive containerised solution (plug & play), notionally another layer of power resilience to infrastructure

Create flexible, secure and dynamic charge and discharge protocols

Deliver cost reduction on a shared
savings / revenue basis.

Host under a long term (15 years) property lease with variable rent payments.

Full benchmarking with independent real-time measurement and verification.

Leverage opportunities for on-site generation (solar, CHP etc.) funded by EOS.

Fund and build micro-grids by developing near-site generation and storage projects, and deliver energy over private wire.

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how we can help